Big Mama with a mouth full of food for her babies.

I have yet to clearly see her feed the babies, never mind photograph it. I caught her a few times in the middle of feeding but wasn't able to see through the holly leaves. Mama is very leery of me and my camera now that the babies have hatched. If she is gathering food, she just doesn't want to come back to her nest when my big head and camera are in the window watching her. I eventually have to leave so her poor kids don't go hungry.
I hope I can photograph the feeding more when Lucy's kids arrive. Although, she spends a ton of time away from her nest so I don't know how successful this clutch is going to be. Luckily the rain stopped and it warmed up a bit. Hopefully this kept her eggs warm while she was gone.
Quite a few people have told me I should name the babies. Any suggestions? Leave a comment with your ideas here.
Love your site. Keep up the good work.
How about Uno and Dos?
cute! how about fluffy and muffy? lol
Hi! Great blog. I think Robbie Robin sounds cute. Can't think of a name for the other tho.
Tweety and Sylvester!
Huey and Louie :-)
Hi Jill!!
Wish I checked the comments before naming them. Very cute!! :)
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